Source: index.js

 * @file TimePeriod Library
 * @description A utility library for working with periods of time in JavaScript. It allows you to create time periods, divide them into smaller periods, subtract time periods, and perform other common operations on time periods.
 * @ingroe This file contains the core logic for managing time periods.

 * Represents a time period between two Date object.
 * @class 
class TimePeriod {
     * Creates a new TimePeriod.
     * @param {Date} startDateTime - The start time of the time period.
     * @param {Date} endDateTime - The end time of the time period.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if startDateTime > endDateTime.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the startDateTime or endDateTime is not a valid Date object.
    constructor(startDateTime, endDateTime) {
        if (!(startDateTime instanceof Date) || !(endDateTime instanceof Date) || isNaN(startDateTime) || isNaN(endDateTime)) {
            throw getTypeError('startDateTime and endDateTime', 'valid Date objects');
        if (startDateTime > endDateTime) {
            throw getStartLessEqualError();

        this.startDateTime = startDateTime;
        this.endDateTime = endDateTime;
        // The merge method is not called on this TimePeriod object yet.
        this.isMerged = null;

     * Subtracts the overlapped time period bewteen this timePeriod and provided timePeriod from this timePeriod.
     * @param {TimePeriod} timePeriod - The subtrahend.
     * @param {Number} [minimumDurationInMins=0] - The optional minimum duration of the returned timePeriods.
     * @returns {TimePeriod[]} An array of remaining timePeriod after subtraction.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if minimumDurationInMins is less than 0.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if minimumDurationInMins is not a number.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if timePeriod is not a TimePeriod object.
    subtract(timePeriod, minimumDurationInMins = 0) {
        if ('number' !== typeof minimumDurationInMins) {
            throw getTypeError('minimumDurationInMins', 'number');
        if (minimumDurationInMins < 0) {
            throw getRangeError('minimumDurationInMins');
        if (false === timePeriod instanceof TimePeriod) {
            throw getTypeError('timePeriod', 'TimePeriod object');

        const leftOverPeriodList = [];
        const minimumDuration = minimumDurationInMins * 60 * 1000;

        // If the provided timePeriod fall ahead this timePeriod. 
        if (this.startDateTime > timePeriod.endDateTime) {
            if (TimePeriod.isNotLessThanDuration(this.startDateTime, this.endDateTime, minimumDuration)) {
                return [this];
            return [];

        // If the provided timePeriod fall behind this timePeriod. 
        if (this.endDateTime < timePeriod.startDateTime) {
            if (TimePeriod.isNotLessThanDuration(this.startDateTime, this.endDateTime, minimumDuration)) {
                return [this];
            return [];

        // If the provided timePeriod overlap with this timePeriod's start. 
        if (this.startDateTime > timePeriod.startDateTime) {
            if (TimePeriod.isNotLessThanDuration(timePeriod.endDateTime, this.endDateTime, minimumDuration)) {
                return [new TimePeriod(timePeriod.endDateTime, this.endDateTime)];
            return [];

        // If the provided timePeriod overlap with this timePeriod's end. 
        if (this.endDateTime < timePeriod.endDateTime) {
            if (TimePeriod.isNotLessThanDuration(this.startDateTime, timePeriod.startDateTime, minimumDuration)) {
                return [new TimePeriod(this.startDateTime, timePeriod.startDateTime)];
            return [];

        // If the provided timePeriod overlap with this timePeriod's body.
        if (TimePeriod.isNotLessThanDuration(this.startDateTime, timePeriod.startDateTime, minimumDuration) && 0 !== this.startDateTime - timePeriod.startDateTime) { // filter out start = start
            leftOverPeriodList.push(new TimePeriod(this.startDateTime, timePeriod.startDateTime));
        if (TimePeriod.isNotLessThanDuration(timePeriod.endDateTime, this.endDateTime, minimumDuration) && 0 !== this.endDateTime - timePeriod.endDateTime) { // filter out end = end
            leftOverPeriodList.push(new TimePeriod(timePeriod.endDateTime, this.endDateTime))

        return leftOverPeriodList;

     * Compares the duration of a pair of start time and end time.
     * @param {Date} startDateTime - The start time of the time period.
     * @param {Date} endDateTime - The end time of the time period.
     * @param {Number} duration - The duration to compare.
     * @returns {Boolean} If duration of start time and end time is greater or equals to provided duration, or duration = 0 return true, else false.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if duration is not a number.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if duration is less than 0.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if startDateTime > endDateTime.
    static isNotLessThanDuration(startDateTime, endDateTime, duration) {
        if ('number' !== typeof duration) {
            throw getTypeError('duration', 'number');
        if (duration < 0) {
            throw getRangeError('duration');
        if (startDateTime > endDateTime) {
            throw getStartLessEqualError();

        if (0 === duration) {
            return true;

        if (endDateTime - startDateTime >= duration) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Divides a timePeriod into periods with same duration provided.
     * @param {number} divisorInMins - The duration of divided periods.
     * @returns {TimePeriod[]} An array of TimePeriod objects with duration = divisorInMins.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if divisorInMins is not a number.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if divisorInMins is less than or equals to 0.
    divideByLength(divisorInMins) {
        if ('number' !== typeof divisorInMins) {
            throw getTypeError('divisorInMins', 'number');
        if (divisorInMins <= 0) {
            throw getRangeError('divisorInMins');

        const periodList = [];
        const divisor = divisorInMins * 60 * 1000

        let indexTime = new Date(this.startDateTime.getTime() + divisor);

        while (indexTime <= this.endDateTime) {
            periodList.push(new TimePeriod(new Date(indexTime.getTime() - divisor), indexTime));
            indexTime = new Date(indexTime.getTime() + divisor);

        return periodList;

     * Merges two timePeriod into one period if no overlap bewteen two timePeriod, this timePeriod will be return.
     * @param {TimePeriod} timePeriod - The timePeriod wants to merge into this timePeriod.
     * @returns {TimePeriod} The merged timePeriod.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the provided timePeriod is not a TimePeriod object.
    merge(timePeriod) {
        if (false === timePeriod instanceof TimePeriod) {
            throw getTypeError('timePeriod', 'TimePeriod object');
        const mergedTimePeriod = {};
        // If this timePeriod fall behind provided timePeriod.
        if (this.startDateTime > timePeriod.endDateTime) {
            this.isMerged = false;
            return this;

        // If this timePeriod fall ahead provided timePeriod.
        if (this.endDateTime < timePeriod.startDateTime) {
            this.isMerged = false;
            return this;

        // If any overlap bewteen two timePeriods.
        if (this.startDateTime < timePeriod.startDateTime) {
            mergedTimePeriod.startDateTime = this.startDateTime;
        } else {
            mergedTimePeriod.startDateTime = timePeriod.startDateTime;

        if (this.endDateTime > timePeriod.endDateTime) {
            mergedTimePeriod.endDateTime = this.endDateTime;
        } else {
            mergedTimePeriod.endDateTime = timePeriod.endDateTime;

        return new TimePeriod(mergedTimePeriod.startDateTime, mergedTimePeriod.endDateTime);

     * Trims the end of this timePeriod by the provided duration.
     * @param {Number} durationInMins - The amount of time to trim from the end.
     * @returns {TimePeriod} The trimmed timePeriod, or a timePeriod where start equals end if the duration exceeds the current time span.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the provided durationInMins is not a number.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if the provided durationInMins is less than 0.
    trimEnd(durationInMins) {
        if ('number' !== typeof durationInMins) {
            throw getTypeError('durationInMins', 'number');
        if (0 > durationInMins) {
            throw getRangeError('durationInMins');
        const duration = durationInMins * 60 * 1000;
        const trimmedEndDateTime = new Date(this.endDateTime.getTime() - duration);

        // If duration > trimmedEndDateTime - startDateTime.
        if (this.startDateTime > trimmedEndDateTime) {
            return new TimePeriod(this.startDateTime, this.startDateTime);

        return new TimePeriod(this.startDateTime, trimmedEndDateTime);

     * Returns true if the provided timePeriod is fully contained within this timePeriod.
     * @param {TimePeriod} timePeriod - The timePeriod wants to check if is fully contained within this timePeriod or not.
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if the provided timePeriod is fully contained within this timePeriod, else return false.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the provided timePeriod is not a TimePeriod object.
    contains(timePeriod) {
        if (false === timePeriod instanceof TimePeriod) {
            throw getTypeError('timePeriod', 'TimePeriod object');

        if (timePeriod.startDateTime >= this.startDateTime && timePeriod.endDateTime <= this.endDateTime) {
            return true;
        return false;

 * Represents an array of TimePeriod object.
 * @class 
class TimePeriodList {
     * Creates a new TimePeriodList.
     * @param {TimePeriod[]} timePeriodList - An array of TimePeriod object.
    constructor(timePeriodList) {
        this.timePeriodList = timePeriodList;

     * Subtracts the overlapped time period between provided timePeriodList and this timePeriodList from this timePeriodList.
     * @param {TimePeriod[]} timePeriodToSubtractList - The subtrahend.
     * @param {Number} [minimumDurationInMins=0] - The optional minimum duration of the returned timePeriods.
     * @returns {TimePeriodList} The TimePeriodList object contain subtracted timePeriods.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if timePeriod is not a TimePeriod object.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if minimumDurationInMins is not a number.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if minimumDurationInMins is less than 0.
    subtractMultiple(timePeriodToSubtractList, minimumDurationInMins = 0) {
        let subtractedTimePeriodList = [...this.timePeriodList];
        timePeriodToSubtractList.forEach((timePeriodToSubtract) => {
            subtractedTimePeriodList = subtractedTimePeriodList.flatMap((timePeriod) => {
                return timePeriod.subtract(timePeriodToSubtract, minimumDurationInMins);

        return new TimePeriodList(subtractedTimePeriodList);

     * Divides all the time period in this timePeriodList into periods with same duration provided.
     * @param {number} divisorInMins - The duration of divided periods.
     * @returns {TimePeriodList} The TimePeriodList object contain subtracted timePeriods.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if divisorInMins is not a number.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if divisorInMins is less than or equals to 0.
    divideAllByLength(divisorInMins) {
        return new TimePeriodList(this.timePeriodList.flatMap((timePeriod) => {
            return timePeriod.divideByLength(divisorInMins);

     * Iterator method to allow iteration over the time periods in the list.
     * This method allows the class to be used in a for...of loop or any other iteration context. It provides the standard iterable protocol for JavaScript.
     * @returns {Object} An iterator object with a next() method that returns an object containing { value: TimePeriod, done: boolean }. 
     * When the iteration is complete, done is true.
    [Symbol.iterator]() {
        let index = 0;
        let timePeriodList = this.timePeriodList;

        return {
            next() {
                if (index < timePeriodList.length) {
                    return { value: timePeriodList[index++], done: false };
                } else {
                    return { done: true };

     * Iterates over each time period in the list and applies the provided callback function.
     * The callback is invoked with three arguments: the current time period, the index, and the entire timePeriodList.
     * @param {function} callback - A function that is executed for each time period.
     * The callback receives the following arguments:
     *   - {TimePeriod} currentTimePeriod - The current time period being processed.
     *   - {number} index - The index of the current time period.
     *   - {TimePeriod[]} timePeriodList - The entire list of time periods.
    forEach(callback) {
        for (let i = 0; i < this.timePeriodList.length; i++) {
            callback(this.timePeriodList[i], i, this.timePeriodList);

     * Merges all timePeriod, until no overlap bewteen every timePeriod.
     * @param {TimePeriod[] | TimePeriodList} timePeriodList - The timePeriods wants to merge into this timePeriodList. This can be: 
     * - An array of timePeriod.
     * - TimePeriodList object.
     * @returns {TimePeriodList} The TimePeriodList object contain merged timePeriod.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the provided timePeriodList or this timePeriodList having not TimePeriod object.
    mergeMultiple(timePeriodList = []) {
        let periodToMergeList;
        let mergedPeriodList = [];

        if (true === timePeriodList instanceof TimePeriodList) {
            timePeriodList = timePeriodList.timePeriodList;

        if (timePeriodList.length > 0) {
            periodToMergeList = [...this.timePeriodList, ...timePeriodList];
        } else {
            periodToMergeList = this.timePeriodList;

        for (let i = 0; i < periodToMergeList.length; i++) {
            let isEarlyBreak = false;
            // Find some other timePeriod to merge.
            for (let j = i + 1; j < periodToMergeList.length; j++) {
                const mergedTimePeriod = periodToMergeList[j].merge(periodToMergeList[i]);
                // If able it merge with other timePeriod.
                if (null === mergedTimePeriod.isMerged) {
                    // Merge two and break.
                    periodToMergeList[j] = mergedTimePeriod;
                    isEarlyBreak = true;
            if (false === isEarlyBreak) {
                // If can't merge with any other time period.

        return new TimePeriodList(mergedPeriodList);

     * Gets the first (index + 1) timePeriod in timePeriodList.
     * @param {Number} index - The index wants to in this timePeriodList.
     * @returns {TimePeriod} The first (index + 1) timePeriod in timePeriodList.
    get(index) {
        return this.timePeriodList[index];

     * Gets an array contains all the timePeriod in this timePeriodList.
     * @returns {TimePeriod[]} The array contain all the timePeriod in this timePeriodList.
    getAll() {
        return this.timePeriodList;

     * Returns true if the provided timePeriod is fully contained within any timePeriod of this timePeriodList.
     * @param {TimePeriod} timePeriod - The timePeriod wants to check if is fully contained within any timePeriod of this timePeriodList or not.
     * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if the provided timePeriod is fully contained within any timePeriod of this timePeriodList, else return false.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the provided timePeriod is not a TimePeriod object.
    contains(timePeriod) {
        for (let i = 0; i < this.timePeriodList.length; i++) {
            if (this.timePeriodList[i].contains(timePeriod)) {
                return true
        return false;

     * Trims the end of all timePeriod in this timePeriodList by the provided duration.
     * @param {Number} durationInMins - The amount of time to trim from the end.
     * @returns {TimePeriodList} The trimmed TimePeriodList, if the duration exceeds the current time span a timePeriod where start equals end is return.
     * @throws {TypeError} Throws an error if the provided durationInMins is not a number.
     * @throws {RangeError} Throws an error if the provided durationInMins is less than 0.
    trimAllEnd(durationInMins) {
        const trimmedTimePeriodList = => {
            return timePeriod.trimEnd(durationInMins);
        return new TimePeriodList(trimmedTimePeriodList);

 * @ignore
 * Gets a TypeError object with message contain formatted string.
 * @param {String} parameterName - The parameter that violate with the accepted type.
 * @param {String} type - The accepted type.
 * @returns {TypeError} The TypeError object with message contain formatted string.
function getTypeError(parameterName, type) {
    return new TypeError(`The parameter ${parameterName} must be a ${type}.`);

 * @ignore
 * Gets a RangeError object with message contain formatted string.
 * @param {String} parameterName - The parameter that violate with the accepted range.
 * @returns {RangeError} The RangeError object with message contain formatted string.
function getRangeError(parameterName) {
    return new RangeError(`The parameter ${parameterName} is out of range.`);

 * @ignore
 * Gets a RangeError object with hard coded message.
 * @returns {RangeError} The RangeError object with hard coded message.
function getStartLessEqualError() {
    return new RangeError('startDateTime must be less than or equal to endDateTime.');

module.exports = {
    TimePeriodList, TimePeriod